Investors’ ability to diversify investments and allocate investments to equity has increased. But, as marketers, are you able to capitalize?
With a CDP, you can identify opportunities through existing data insights; and create value for clients through data that spans the trading workflow. Implementing a CDP also enables investment professionals to see, analyze and act on opportunities spotted via analytics and the insights engine. AMC marketers have been able to stream fragmented information across disparate systems, such as separate portfolio management systems (PMS), order management systems (OMS), execution management systems (EMS), and risk management systems into a single platform.
At a micro-level, a marketer struggles to reveal the identity of anonymous consumers, find opportunities to personalize campaigns, add relevant and real-time information for better engagement, and most of all, enhance the existing degree of customer experience. These challenges together handicap the brand’s full potential to enhance customer engagement, retention, and acquisition. FirstHive as a Customer Data Platform is equipped to solve the generic customer data problems.