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All posts in Email Template Recommended Best Practices

Facebook conversion API

What are Conversions API The Conversions API allows advertisers to send web events from their servers directly to Facebook. The website has to have Facebook Pixel. Facebook Pixel documents user data in cookies (which is 1st party). The server will save user information in the same way that it saves . . . Read more

How to setup tracking on Youtube

Prerequisite: The website needs to  implement additional code to pass the youtube video event data into the data layer. There are external forums available that define how to enable this in the GTM datalayer. Few for reference https://www.cardinalpath.com/blog/youtube-video-tracking-with-gtm-and-ua-a-step-by-step-guide https://www.simoahava.com/analytics/the-youtube-video-trigger-in-google-tag-manager/ Disclaimer: These are not validated by FirstHive.  These are few open . . . Read more

How to setup remarketing tag

Introduction This document explains the steps that need to be followed to set up Adword and Facebook remarketing tag using FirstHive’s Tag manager interface. Benefits of using Tag manager for setting up Remarketing tags. Better management and control over your tags. Higher security. Code optimization. Release IT from marketing code . . . Read more