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How to setup an Email campaign?

How to set up an Email campaign?

On the left panel, go to Campaign >> Create your campaign

  • Enter the name for your Email campaign
  • Click on the Email icon

  • Select the “Send Via”  (email server)
  • Enter the subject.
  • You can personalize the subject by clicking on the icon beside the subject field.
    Double click on the field name (in the box) to get it added to the subject field. Enter the ‘sender name’.
  • Enter the sender’s email id. If it is a new email address, an email will be sent to the entered email address with a verification link. Once verified, it will be available for sending emails.
  • Enter a short message about why the user is receiving the email?
  • Click on continue
  • Select one of the template options.
  • For all the options you should be able to personalize by selecting the fields that will be dynamically changed before sending the email.
  • Select the target customer to whom you would like to send the email.
  • Click continue, you can send a test email, or execute the campaign immediately or schedule it for later.


How to set up an A/B test?

To run A/B test you need to create two email campaigns, to make them compete with each other.

  • Follow the above steps and create an email campaign that will be one of the A/B contenders.
  • When you reach the preview screen, for this campaign, skip the steps to schedule or execute this campaign.
  • Now, create another email campaign, here on the preview screen select the option to “Run A/B Test”

A/B test settings:

  • Select the campaign which you created first from the dropdown.
  • Enter the Distribution value in percentage i.e. how many times do you want the B campaign to serve compared to A campaign eg. 50%
  • Select the winning metric. A metric that will be used by the system to determine campaign performance and select a winner
  • Select the testing duration (in hrs)
  • Select the campaign that should be served if the results are non-conclusive within the time duration specified.
  • Click on Continue
  • You can now go ahead and execute the campaign immediately or you can schedule it for later.

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